Medieleder – Inspirér redaksjonen!
Dato og tid:7.-8. oktober
Hvor:Pressens hus, Skippergata 24, Oslo
Pris:Medlem av norsk presseorganisasjon: Kr 6 900. Andre deltakere: Kr 8 900
Åpent for:Alle
Arrangør:Institutt for Journalistikk
Bli med på en intensiv (og morsom!) todagers workshop om moderne digital medieledelse! Du lærer nye måter å utvikle og engasjere medarbeiderne dine på, og hvordan dere kan fortelle bedre og mer dristige historier.
Kurset gir deg også tips til å organisere reportasjeprosjekter som utfordrer, utvikler og styrker publikumslojaliteten, og som samtidig utnytter data og teknologi.
Kursleder Cory Schouten er sjefredaktør i Crain’s New York Business, adjunkt i medievirksomhet ved Columbia University, og tidligere redaktør for nye formater i The Wall Street Journal.
Slik beskriver Cory selv kursdagene og læringsmålene:
What do editors need?
1. Other than a stiff drink?
2. Time management tricks when you’re leading a team.
3. How to engage reporters to deliver work that aligns with audience needs.
4. Strategies for balancing a growing demand for content with staff resources.
5. Clarity on your media’s strategy and key metrics used to gauge success.
6. Work-life balance to keep it all in perspective.
What do reporters need?
1. Data (numerical and anecdotal, on audience, individual stories, and topical categories).
2. Development (regular feedback, coaching, training).
3. Impact (scoops and stories that reach a lot of people and make a difference, legislatively or otherwise).
4. Prioritization (how do we do the stories that “matter” without skipping the breaking news and day-to-day updates our readers need?)
Tools for aligning these needs.
1. Rethink how you share data across teams, from frequency to how it is delivered.
2. Use mission statements to drive focus, whether for a news story, news product, or beat.
3. Design standing features around recurring data and/or AI that serve readers with less investment of staff time.
4. Experiment with story formats including “everything bagels” and other evergreen content types.
5. Program opportunities for team members to share wins and lessons learned.
6. Facilitate cross training so more team members can send newsletters, publish news stories and update the homepage (with editor approval, of course).
How do you lead a hybrid newsroom?
1. Tips for fostering team collaboration & mentorship when you’re not always in-office.
2. Developing sources and nailing down scoops in a hybrid environment.
3. Run more efficient and intentional meetings: for instance, Team Check-in Tuesdays, Collaboration Wednesdays, Lunch-and-Learn Thursdays, Follow-up Fridays.
Don’t lose focus on what matters most.
1. What story will you remember at the end of the year? Make sure you spend time on that one every week.
2. Nourish a sense of curiosity and wonder and encourage the same from your team.
3. Put yourself in the readers’ shoes: If I’m new to this issue, how do I get up to speed?
Om kurset:
Kurset passer for alle med leder- og personalansvar i mediehuset.
Formatet for kurset blir en blanding av kunnskapsdeling og praktisk workshop, og du returnerer til mediehuset med en oppdatert verktøykasse av tips og metodikk