Lady Ann (Icy) Salem, Najiba Ayjubi and Violet Gonda joins us to talk about threats against women in journalism. Moderator, Hege Moe Eriksen (top left) from NRK.
Photo collage: NRK/IAWRT/Pressens hus
What happens when women’s voices in media are silenced?
Dato og tid:9. desember kl 18:00-19:00
Hvor:Pressens hus, Ytring
Åpent for:Alle (krever påmelding)
Arrangør:IAWRT/JMIC at OsloMet/Pressens hus
IAWRT Norge, JMIC OsloMet and Norwegian Press House invite you to this free, open meeting about how IAWRT works for female journalists, and how the organization supports members under threat.
This event will be streamed at
Direct link will be announced here.
Participants (present and online):
Hege Moe Eriksen (NRK, moderator) Violet Gonda, London/Zimbabwe freelance journalist, International President of IAWRT (in house speaker).
Najiba Ayubi, leader of the media group The Killid Group and President of IAWRT Afghanistan. Refuge in USA
Lady Ann (Icy) Salem, Editor of Manilla Today, and Communications Officer IAWRT international.